Thursday, 1 June 2023

What is authentication and authorization in Angular?Example

Authentication and authorization (in terms of security what is Authentication and Authorization) are two essential concepts in web application development, including Angular applications. They are critical for ensuring security and controlled access to resources within an application. In this article, we will explore the concepts of authentication and authorization in Angular and provide examples to illustrate their implementation.


Authentication refers to the process of verifying the identity of a user or entity attempting to access an application. It ensures that only authenticated users can access protected resources and perform certain actions within the application.

In Angular, the authentication process typically involves the following steps:

1. User Registration: Users provide their credentials, such as username and password, during the registration process.

2. User Login: Users enter their credentials to authenticate themselves and gain access to the application.

3. Token-based Authentication: After a successful login, the server generates an authentication token (often a JSON Web Token - JWT) and sends it to the client. The client stores this token.

4. Token Validation: With each subsequent request to the server, the client includes the authentication token in the request headers. The server validates the token to ensure the user is authenticated before serving the requested resources.


Let's consider an example of implementing authentication in an Angular application using token-based authentication:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class AuthService { private apiUrl = ''; // API endpoint for authentication constructor(private http: HttpClient) { } login(username: string, password: string) { return`${this.apiUrl}/login`, { username, password }); } logout() { // Clear the authentication token from client-side storage localStorage.removeItem('token'); } getToken() { return localStorage.getItem('token'); } setToken(token: string) { localStorage.setItem('token', token); } isAuthenticated() { return this.getToken(); } }

In this example, the AuthService is responsible for user authentication. It provides methods for user login, logout, retrieving and setting the authentication token, and checking the authentication status.


Authorization determines the permissions and access rights of authenticated users within an application. It controls the actions or resources a user can access based on their assigned roles or privileges.

In Angular, authorization can be implemented using various approaches, such as role-based access control (RBAC) or permission-based access control (PBAC). RBAC assigns roles to users, while PBAC grants specific permissions directly to users or roles.


Consider an example where a user with an "admin" role has additional privileges compared to a regular user:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class AuthorizationService { private userRoles: string[] = []; // User roles retrieved from the server constructor() { } hasAdminRole(): boolean { return this.userRoles.includes('admin'); } }

In this example, the AuthorizationService provides a method hasAdminRole() that checks if the current user has the "admin" role.

Authentication and authorization are vital components of building secure web applications, including Angular applications. Authentication verifies the identity of users, while authorization controls their access rights and permissions within the application. By understanding and implementing these concepts effectively, developers can create robust and secure Angular applications that protect sensitive data and ensure controlled access to resources.

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